Gender, Toys and the Indian Toy Industry

DISCLAIMER: This particular post is a compilation of my experiences as a Toy Designer in India. Some of the points pondered upon in this post would have been more insightful with some research, however I just wanted to put my experiences together somewhere before I start dissecting the sub-topics one by one. So I've been … Continue reading Gender, Toys and the Indian Toy Industry

What is Empathy? And why is it important?

A six month project is a long project. Where alot is absorbed and alot is forgotten. This is just me gathering my thoughts on topics that will come in handy when I do infact start compiling. The word Empathy is in 'Vogue' you'd think, the amount it is thrown around. Or maybe in just my … Continue reading What is Empathy? And why is it important?

The Storage Partition- Design Decisions Drivers

So I was going through the WGSN key trend reports and I came across 'Flexi-Spaces: Fluid Design' dated January 2020. Since it's action points were flexibility and adaptable spaces as a response to rising rents and temporary displacement, the report indicated that designers and architects should ensure that homes are now future proof by adding … Continue reading The Storage Partition- Design Decisions Drivers

Education in the Post Pandemic World

My System Oriented Project in the previous semester started with an inquiry into Gender Neutral Spaces for children which evolved into ‘Safe Spaces for Learning’.  A space where they are recognised as beings and not becomings. However, my research made me realize that a ‘SAFE SPACE’ is a very loaded word. Feeling safe not only … Continue reading Education in the Post Pandemic World

Space and Gender/ Objectifying Objects

This line of inquiry was born out of my various experiences as an adult cis-woman, childhood memories of growing up as a girl being identified as a tomboy, conversations with friends who identify with non-binary genders and sexualities, and my recent discovery of the concept of phenomenology and how our surroundings inform us. I started … Continue reading Space and Gender/ Objectifying Objects


Just a submission for one of my Science and Liberal Arts Classes. Pondering over gender and gender identities and influences. Read on and leave your thoughts if you may. Language is Gendered, Spaces are Gendered, Objects are gendered. Gendered or RENDERED?   Living in a house with my twin nephews, I’ve always wondered, how is it … Continue reading GENDER RENDERED OR RENDERED GENDER?